Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Introduction:


2.1. An information page shall be created for each entry.

2.2. Each information page consists of three headings.

2.2.1. Title Information: In the case of written forms, this includes author name, title of publication (possibly with a translation in English), place and year of publication, ISBN/ISSN, and language of publication. In the case of spoken forms, this includes speaker name, title of lecture, place and date of lecture, possibly the duration of lecture, and language of lecture.

2.2.2. Full Text: Here you can find links to text, audio or video files as well as information whether the access is free, restricted or limited.

2.2.3. Additional Information: Here you will find links to websites of the authors or speakers, abstracts or descriptions of the contributions, tables of contents, information on reviews, and links to Wikipedia articles or categories.

2.3. Each entry shall be provided with keywords to make it possible to find articles dealing with the same epochs, regions and/or topics.